Led Light in Epidermis Hyperpigmentation
Ana Karoline Campos Araújo *
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Nicole Krystie Barbosa Naves
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Florence Germaine Tible Lainscek
Departmentof Health Sciences, The Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), Gurupi/TO, Brazil. Gurupi University (UNIRG), Gurupi/TO, Brazil.
Sávia Denise Silva Carlotto Herrera
Departmentof Health Sciences, The Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), Gurupi/TO, Brazil. Gurupi University (UNIRG), Gurupi/TO, Brazil.
Livia Gomes de Oliveira
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Taynara Dantas Batista
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Paula Leylane Tavares Brito
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Wellington Carlos da Silva
Academic of the Physiotherapy Course, UnirG University, Av. Rio de Janeiro, Nº 1585 - St. Central, Gurupi - TO, 77403-090, Brazil.
Elaine Mayra Teixeira Pereira
Aesthetic Nursing, Faculdade Batista, MG, Gurupi UnirG University, Gurupi - TO, Brazil.
Joaquim Celito Lopes Batista
Public Health Management, Collective and Family by FACIMAB - PA, Brazil.
Tayla Querido Santos Disconzi
Dermato-Functional Physiotherapy, The University of Gurupi UNIRG, Gurupi/TO, Brazil.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aging is a natural process that causes several changes in the body, especially the skin with the loss of tonicity and brightness, which makes frequent the search for longevity in society, and over time, dissatisfaction with the external image of the body worsens, so health care and skin have become a primary factor for self-esteem, social relations and quality of life. LED is a phototherapy feature that has been used for the treatment of skin hyperpigmentation. This research aims within this spectrum to analyze the results of the effect of LED light on hyperpigmentation in the epidermis. Systematic literature review through bibliographic research in the electronic databases of the Virtual Health Library - VHL: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS); Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Pubmed-NCBI and Google Scholar, using the descriptors: hyperpigmentation, LED light, bleaching, epidermis, rejuvenation, and aesthetics. We analyzed 5 original articles that present similar objectives among themselves, seeking to understand the use of LED in the bleaching of hyperpigmentation of the epidermis and its other beneficial effects on the skin. Because of the studies, it can be concluded that LED light is an effective option not only in the bleaching of epidermis hyperpigmentation but also in other aspects such as hydration, rejuvenation, viço, and skin quality.
Keywords: LED light, whitening, epidermis, rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation, aesthetics.