The Profile Characteristics of Muga Silkworm Rearers of the Sonitpur District of Assam, India

Dababrata Saikia

Department of Sericulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.

Dipankar Saikia *

Directorate of Sericulture, Government of Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati-22, Assam, India.

Monimala Saikia

Department of Sericulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.

Debajit Borah

Department of Agricultural Science, College of Sericulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A study was conducted during 2020-2021 to analyze the profile characteristics of 120 muga rearers of the Sonitpur district of Assam. The study revealed that the majority of the respondents (42.50%) belonged to the middle age group. Most of the respondents (47.50%) belonged to the category OBC (Other Backward Class) and had their (35.00%) education up to middle school. Among the respondents, medium-sized (50.00%) family was found to be dominant and farming was their primary occupation with a medium level of income ranging from Rs. 52,000-1,71,000. Regarding the size of operational land holding, the majority (40.83%) of the muga farmers owned operational land holding of 1-2 ha. The majority of the respondents (48.33%) had farming experience between 10-20 years. It was also observed that most of the respondents had a medium level of extension contact (73.33%), medium risk-bearing ability (65.83%), medium decision-making ability (60.83%), and a medium level of marketing orientation (69.17%). As regards training exposure, only 27.50 percent of the respondents had received any training.

Keywords: Muga culture, rearers, silkworm, socio-economic factors

How to Cite

Saikia, Dababrata, Dipankar Saikia, Monimala Saikia, and Debajit Borah. 2024. “The Profile Characteristics of Muga Silkworm Rearers of the Sonitpur District of Assam, India”. Archives of Current Research International 24 (5):460-68.